Partnership Possibilities

Find Your Art, CHANGE’s one-of-a-kind, web platform and marketplace, features a thematic search engine so your arts event reaches its most diverse, prepared, and eager audience. Arts Partners have the opportunity to create organizational profiles and post their events, tagging each with appropriate filters and searchable keywords that explain the themes of the arts event being promoted. Our membership of vetted educators use Find Your Art to search for and identify the arts asset that works best in their classroom, and request tickets and schedule arts education programming though the web platform. Educators who can’t afford the price of such events and programming receive subsidization through CHANGE’s Fund for Future Audiences. And if your arts event is the right fit but not geographically convenient, we can support your organization’s creation of a virtual version that will allow it to become the centerpiece of conversations in classrooms around the country.

If our Arts Partner does not have an education staff member, CHANGE Arts can also be hired as an ad hoc education department to support your organization, from logistics and planning, to creating the most accessible curriculum and programming that complement your arts event.

Arts Event Partnership

Just as we accomplished with Memphis and Allegiance, CHANGE Arts can be your arts event partner. We create curriculum, fundraise alongside you, and cultivate meaningful relationships with classroom and community audiences on your behalf. We also support the legacy initiatives of our arts event partners, such as re-imagined assets to accompany live and virtually accessible events, along with other projects that enhance the value of your artistic property after its initial run.

Click here to find the Timestamped Educator Resource Guide that CHANGE created to accompany the live capture of Allegiance, now streaming at Digital Theatre+.

Click here to find the UK Educator Resource Guide that CHANGE created for the UK premiere of Allegiance at the Charing Cross Theatre in London.

We are always looking for new partnerships to expand arts access.

Contact us for opportunities!